Thursday 20 January 2011

Opening Name Title Definitions

Casting by...
     The process of hiring actors to play the characters in a script which may also have some input from the director, producer, or studio.

Music by...
    Someone who adapts musical compositions for voices, instruments and how they are performed.

Costume Designer...
    Person responsible for designing the costumes for a film. 

    Performs the actual 'piecing together' of the film with the director and also does visual editing such as CGI. 

Production Designer...
    Responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a film.

Director of Photography...
    The chief cinematographer who knows how to capture images either through visual recording devices and lenses or the arrangement of lighting and shot composition.

    A producer who is involved in the creative producing, or who is primarily responsible for management producing functions. The co-producer has less responsibility than a producer for the completion of a project. 

Co-executive producers...
    Second in seniority to the executive producer. 

Executive producers...
    A producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the actual film making, but who is responsible for the literal production. They also typically handle business and legal issues. 

Produced by...
     The 'chief of staff' of a film production apart from the creative aspects of the director. A Producer is responsible for raising funding, hiring key personnel, and arranging for distributors.

Screenplay... & Based on story by...
    The person who has written the script to be produced as a film and what the film was originally based on. 

Directed by... 
     The director is usually (but not always) the driving artistic source behind the filming process, and communicates to actors the way that they would like a particular scene played. A director's job might also include casting, script editing, shot selection, shot composition, and editing. Typically, a director has complete artistic control over all aspects of the film.

(Source taken from

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