Saturday 15 January 2011

Planning Schedule

1.  Research into genres of films

2.  Choose a genre (rom-coms) and conduct specific research into these types of films e.g. conventions 

3.  Research into the BBFC certificate rating

4.  Look at the sequence of opening name titles

5.  Audience research - questionnaires (looking at demographics) and then go conduct interviews to our target audience after we have our initial ideas 
6.  Generate ideas for our opening

7.  Look at music e.g. local bands

8.  Choose our developed idea for our opening and storyboard with a digital storyboard

9.  Casting find a characters to fit our idea

10. Find appropriate locations for filming

11. Camera experiments - e.g costume and make-up, lighting, camera shots, photo shoot. Then after these experiments analyse findings

12.Plan for filming - film schedule looking a weather etc.




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