Friday 11 March 2011

Post-Production: Audience Feedback

        The opening to our film has almost been completed as we have come to the point where only small details need to be edited. Therefore, my group and I decided to ask some Year 13 Media students for some feedback on our piece for any improvements that they could suggest because they are also in the age range of our target audience. These were the main comments after watching the opening to our Rom-com:

  • The shot of the kettle was too long and needed to be shortened
  • The longer poses of our female character needed to be slightly shorter
  • The transition from the polaroid photograph to 'real life' needed to have further adjustments for to improve the continuity
  • The editing on the beat was done well
  • There was a good use of titles
Overall we felt that the advice that the Year 13 Media students gave us was useful as well as more intricate feedback from our Media teachers. We will begin to make the adjustments that have been suggested so to improve our opening to make it as appealing as possible to our target audience. 

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