Tuesday 22 March 2011

Post-Production: Re-filming

            After almost completing the opening to our Rom-com, we have decided to deviate a little more from our storyboard by adding in a new scene. We have done this because we felt that the ending with the writer drinking from a mug didn't really create the continuation into the film that we wanted and also because in our audience feedback some of our peers and teachers suggested this. Therefore we came to the decision of re-filming. We initially wanted to film with our model to show how her narrative continues into the duration of the film. However because of time commitments and availability we could not use the female actress and so we planned for our male actor, Jamie, to be part of the new scene.

     We decided to incorporate a convention which we found many rom-coms to use; where the non-diegectic music from the opening title then transfers into a diegetic sound showing a link in the scenes. Therefore, our writer will be walking of of his house, with his headphones in and the music 'Bright Soul' will still be playing however as he takes his earphones out the music will fade out so the ambient sounds in his environment are heard. 

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