Wednesday 2 February 2011

Initial Ideas

Idea 1: Corridor Love
          An average girl drops her books in a school corridor, as the popular high school 'jock' walks past he stops to help her pick them up. This begins the chain of events of the young couple falling in love however only going on secret dates and the two have to choose between love and the 'status quo'. 
  • The establishing shot is with the camera in a locker which is covered by school items. The girl then begins to move items around the camera, putting things in her bag and it is conveyed that she is upset and has family issues, by a photograph she has of her family. 
  • There is a cut to the school corridor with the popular 'jock' character walking down the centre surrounded by friends, clearly suggesting his popularity.  
  • The girl continues to look at the family photograph and as the bell rings, she turns to go but gets her bag caught in her locker and her belongings fall onto the fall. 
  • The male character then helps the girl pick up her books and as they both rise and their gazes lock.
  • However the girl takes her books off him and walks away in a panicked state.

Idea 2: A Model's Life
          Gives an insight into the seemingly glamorous life of a model however all she longs for is true love and not the superficial relationships with male models.
  • The first shot is of lots of magazines with one particular girl on the front cover.
  • There is then a very short shot of the same girl crying in a corner, but then we cut back to the glamorous photos of her on the magazines.
  • The screen then becomes black and lights simultaneously go on to reveal the photo shoot studio where the model is having lots of photos taken - jump cuts from camera acting as photo camera. 
  • We see a TV screen with the model on as the camera then pans around the room to a low angle shot of the model slouched on a sofa, eating out of an ice-cream tub yet has water and slimming pills around her. 

Idea 3: The Writer
           A male writer has been so engulfed in his work that he realises his social life to be obsolete. He then goes to a night club where he has a one night stand with a girl he actually falls in love with. 
  • The first shot is a close up of a hand writing the titles of the film which is edited to be fast forwarded. The paper is stained with coffee and smoke passes over the shot. 
  • He then pauses and turns the page of the pad of paper and begins to draw his idea of a perfect girl. The shot then dissolves into a girl who looks very similar to the picture drawn who is walking down the street with her friends holding a Starbucks. 
  • There is then a cut to the writer who opens a cupboard door and we see this from inside the cupboard as the camera is sitting inside. There is a mug slightly in front of the camera and he retrieves this and then closes the cupboard door as a sound of the kettles 'pings'.   

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