Tuesday 8 February 2011

Sound Analysis

            From looking at other romantic-comedy openings, we felt that the music was a very important factor in creating the right effect and atmosphere for the remainder of the film. 
            Therefore we looked at the music in existing rom-coms. Scott Pilgrim VS the World is a good example of showing a clear transition from diegetic to non-diegetic music as the titles appear. 

This music is clearly of a rock genre as the guitars are quite heavy within the music. Also the drums are apparent using the symbols and base drum which emphasises the loud sounds. The lyrics are not a main feature of the overall sound however there are many 'yeah's which create the live sound effect and how it is a rock/indie song. I think the music works well with this opening as the film is of an indie genre and so the music echos this with heavy instrumental parts. Also at the very end of the piece there is an unfinished or imperfect cadence which gives the music an authentic effect which brings the narrative back to the diegetic sounds after the titles. 

However some rom-coms have used more mainstream music such as in House Bunny where recognisable music is played throughout the entire film.

This song by the Pussycat Dolls is in the opening to the film The House Bunny and the lyrics, unlike the previous rock music, is the most apparent feature. The sound is quite pop/R&B genre which relates to mainstream audiences who enjoy this music. Also by using a well known group, the film increases in credibility and popularity as it has famous songs throughout the film. The lyrics also relate to the narrative very well as the main character tells us in the voice over of her 'fairy tale dream'. 

From looking at various pieces of music and comparing these two completely contrasting songs, we were able to come to our own decisions about what effect we wanted to portray with the music and how it relates to the narrative.

            Therefore we have decided that we would like to use a more country/acoustic/rock sound which was able to compliment the rustic appearance of the male lead. We then began to look for local bands in our area who had this certain style of music. After considering numerous bands we decided to see if we could use a signed artist who we like and so we emailed the manager. 

Therefore after being given permission to use Jersey Budd we chose one of the songs we felt worked best with our idea. 
This is the song we will be using called 'Bright Soul' and it has an upbeat and memorable tune which will be really effective in our piece. Additionally the song is about a love and so this relates really well to our rom-com idea. 


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