Friday 11 February 2011

Location Settings

            In the opening to our film, there will be two main settings one of these is the male writer's room where he makes a cup of tea and sits down at his cluttered work table. The second main location is the photography studio where the model has her photo shoot. 

Therefore, for the studio scene we had to set up a photo shoot:

We constructed a frame for a white background and we also had to consider safety hazards whilst doing this. We used 3 point lighting and had to order these accordingly. 

For our writer's room we had four possible kitchen locations:


This kitchen shows a very modern style which could connote wealth and glamour. However for our writer's apartment we envisioned a more rustic style however the table does show this yet the kitchen as a whole would conflict with the representation we are creating. 


Although this kitchen is long and has a wooden circular table which would be appropriate for our writer, there is no cupboard available at a middle level for the establishing shot of the writer's torso so we cannot see his face.

This was another possible location for the writer however the table is of a different one to the dark more rustic look we wanted. Also the room is very right with wide windows and we felt the exposure may be too strong.

The final location we looked at had a rustic style to it that was also slightly modern. The round table would be ideal for the writer to sit at and there is also a cupboard which we could use for a torso shot of the male. Additionally in the actual location of the house, this is the easiest for our group to travel to and it is also close to our actors house, making it the ideal location.  

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