Tuesday 8 February 2011

Ideas for our Title

       From anaylsing existing film name titles we have came to create our own ideas which give the correct represenation of our film for our target audience.

Font style: Arial (narrow)
Size: Large

This was our first initial idea. We chose the pink 'POSE' to suggest femininity of our model character. The blue shadowing behind it connotes how the writer is involved in her life- however it is only faint and thus could suggest that she does not know it yet. The grey '&' is used as a unisex colour, which was initially black, however we thought this may been too bold and does not want to be the main focus of the title and so the grey also could suggest a grey area between the two characters. The draw back to this logo is its association with Hollyoaks- which also uses the gender symbols in the letter 'o'. Further more we feel that the colours are too bold for the subtle story line. The font used for both the 'POSE' and the 'PROSE' is Arial. The '&' is in arial narrow, as it is less significant. We chose a simple font as it represents their basic everyday lives.

Font style: Simon Script
Size: Medium

The font appears to be almost handwritten which goes well with our opening concept of the male character writing the titles. The text is also slanted diagonally which has connotations of uncertainty but fun suggesting the rom-com genre. The crescendo beneath the Pose implies that the storyline will reach a climax as the couple meet eachother, also because its under the 'Pose' this means that most of the conflict will be with the model. However the '&' in the middle doesnt have a crescendo or diminuendo under it which shows that their bringing together will not have any complications once they fall in love. Finally the diminuendo could imply that whilst their in love they will perhaps settle down and be together. 
Also, the fact that cruscendo and diminuendo's are Italian is a nice touch as Italian is the language of love, yet again another clue that they will get together.

Font style: Prose - Century Schoolbook/ Pose - Calibri
Size: Medium

The third design we created resembled the title of 'Love Actually' by using one bold colour which creates the focus point. The 'Prose' is shown in a serif font which suggests a more classic style which could also be related to novels. The 'Pose' going vertically down the page, has a sans serif font showing the contrast to the old font and suggesting a modern aspect. By having both of the words sharing the letter 'O', this could connote the two contrasting or even conflicting  ideals 'crossing paths' which can be linked to how the male and female character's meet each other. Also the black background appears to be a common feature in such films titles as 'Mean Girls', and this emphasises the white text however the single coloured letter where the two words meet may suggest the 'colour' that appears in the two character's lives as they fall in love and so the red conveys this representation of love and romance. However, we felt that this title would be difficult to present realistically on advertisement posters for the film, as the title is an unusual shape outline to place on a cover etc. and so we feel that a more conventional name title (with all horizontal text) would be more effective in our film and for possible advertising purposes.        

Font style: Harabarahand
                                 Sunshine in my Soul

The colour of the shot will be black so therefore this would be the best backgroud colour to use.The font colour is white as this may suggest purity in the relationship in the film. The differences in fonts may represent the differences within the characters' lives. The model or 'POSE' has a very strict life and therefore the writing is bold and upright. However, the writer or 'PROSE' has a very free and inspiring life and therefore the writing is more free fall and looks handwritten as he is a writer. Positioning POSE above PROSE suggests that the model has a higher status than the writer and that she believes or even he believes she is better than him. The ampersand is placed between them to show that they are connected in some way or another.

(Fonts were all taken from www.dafont.com)

1 comment:

  1. I like the top title! It's really effective and matches the rom-com conventions! :)
