Tuesday 1 February 2011

Questionnaire Results

            My group and I conducted a questionnaire and in analysing these results we will be able to identify aspects which consumers, particularly of our target audience, enjoy about films and romantic comedies. 

The first question we asked was 'what do you think of Romantic Comedies?'

From the graph we can understand that most people from all age groups, though slightly less in the older category, enjoy watching rom-coms. It appears from our sample that in the older age ranges more people actually 'hate' them. However this means that our intended target audience of 15-24's are more likely to enjoy rom-coms so we will be able to use this in trying to appeal to this audience, to promote our film concept. Also, when we looked at the divide in genders on this question, more females said that they enjoyed rom-coms than males. However in our film we do not want to directly aim too closely to our demography of females aged 15-24 because we feel that this may limit our audience and it's appeal. Therefore we will still target females but will try to present the film in a way that a couple may go and view at the cinema to accommodate for both genders in more romance for the females and equally some comedy for male viewers. 

Our second question was 'how often do you watch films?'
The majority of answers, particularly in the 15-24 category, were 'weekly'. Therefore from this we can assume that many people watch films on a short term basis however in the older age groups, we found more people to never watch films. 

The third question we asked was 'how often do you watch rom-coms?'
From the results we found that none of the age groups said they watched rom-coms weekly however the majority in all the groups watch them on a monthly basis. What is also apparent is that over three quarters of the 15-24 year olds watch rom-coms monthly and so this shows that they are our specific targeted audience. Only a small proportion of 15-24's watch rom-coms yearly and these were generally males which is similar to the other age groups with mostly males saying that they never watch rom-coms. However the group that we found watched rom-coms the least was the 25-34 age group. This may be because the participants we used may be more likely to enjoy other genres or it may be a matter of having time available as they are to be in the world of work whereas. 

Our next question was 'what is your favourite rom-com?'
For this question we received a range of answers which varied from 'none' to some of the most popular films. The results included Pretty Woman, Juno, Shallow Hal, Something About Mary, Notting Hill, Bridget Jones, 10 Thing I Hate About You and 50 First Dates. Many of these films are seen as the typical classic rom-com such as Love Actually which also has many famous actors in it such as Hugh Grant. What is also interesting is that more of the males wrote such films as 50 First Dates which may be because it has a more comical aspect whereas most of the females who participated prefered rom-coms more towards the romantic side such as The Ugly Truth or Bridget Jones. 

Our fifth question was 'do you take the title sequence of the film into the consideration of the opening of a rom-com?'  
From this question, we wanted to see how important audiences think of the opening and if they consider the titles of the people involved in creating the films they watch. We found that the oldest age group paid most attention to this and we felt that this was expected as they are more likely to appreciate the work gone into a film more than a younger audience. The two younger age groups said that they never take this into consideration and therefore because we are targeting the 15-24 year olds, we feel that we need to create an innovative way of presenting the titles so to maintain the attention of our audience. 

The next question we asked was 'do you think music with lyrics is appropriate for the opening of a rom-com?' 
Out of all of the age groups the majority was clear: most people believe music with lyrics is appropriate for the beginning of an opening. Therefore in our planning, when considering music, we should aim to look for music which fits with our opening preferably with lyrics.

Our seventh question we asked was 'do you feel that you can relate to the characters in rom-coms?'  
These results show that our targeted demography feel that they can relate to characters the most whereas the older groups had more people who can never relate to characters. This may be because rom-coms are usually aimed at a younger audience and so the character's in them are also young.

The next question stated 'many rom-coms contain scenes of a sexual nature' then we asked 'do you feel comfortable watching these'?
This question was concerned with the rating of our film and to see how comfortable age groups were with this. We found that more males taking part were more comfortable with this whereas more females said that it depends. Therefore we must decide if our film contains any sexual scenes so we can set the rating accordingly however our main audience is 15-24 and so this is the audience we hope to be attracted to our film. 

Another question we asked was 'do you prefer the titles to be over the motion picture in contrast to on a blank/plain screen?'
This graph shows that the younger age group prefer to have the titles over a motion picture which may be so that they can have something else to look at rather than just the name, as they may be more interested in the plot. This is in contrast to adults who may appreciate the work put in to create the film.

The final question we asked our participants was 'does the title of the film make you want to view it more?'
These results show that the middle age group actually are most influenced by the title of the film, however the 15-24 age group were the most that said it depends and so this may mean if they personally find a title appealing then they are more likely to see it. The oldest age group had the most that said it didn't matter which may suggest they look for other aspects of a film to see if they find it appealing. Therefore when considering our own film, we must create an effective title which will attract our audience. 

      To conclude, from these results we feel that we have gained a greater understanding of ways to particularly target our audience and we can create an idea which will be able to appeal to our demographic of 15-24 years old.  

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