Saturday 12 February 2011

Health & Safety

        Before filming, my group and I had to consider the health and safety of each environment we were filming in, to ensure our group and actors were safe. 

We composed a list of possible hazards within each setting and tried to devise ways of minimising these risks:

The Writer's Scene:
  • hot boiling water from the kettle -- we would warn our actor of the risk and be cautious of spillages.
  • Numerous items -- not to trip over them whilst filming and therefore we would move them to a safe place.

The Photo Shoot Scene:
  • wires -- we will have to tape wires to the floor so as not to trip over them
  • the bright lights for the shoot -- we would warn our actress of the brightness.

The Reception Scene:
  • the receptionist walking in high heels -- we would ensure the actress was as comfortable as possible, walking in the shoes and support her if she lost her balance.

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