Thursday 3 February 2011

Storyboard Ideas

        Before storyboarding the opening for our film, our group recorded a chronological order of our idea:
1. Distribution logo appears and then the name.

2. Production logo appears which also fades and then the name appears - during this, the sound of a kettle boiling becomes increasingly louder.

3. There is a sound bridge as the kettle is still heard. The establishing shot is of the torso of the main male character who opens a cupboard, which the camera is placed inside, with a mug handle framing the shot. With only the torso still being viewed, the man reaches into the cupboard, taking out the mug and then closing the cupboard door. There is a diegetic sound of the 'click' of the kettle finishing and then the title of the film appears with non-diegetic music gradually getting louder.

4. There is an extreme close-up of boiling water going into the mug and then the camera tracks the mug with the man walking to a table. He then places the cup on the table, half on some paper and sits down down as the camera tracks up and around the still unknown character to an over-the-shoulder shot, where he also moves his mug slightly.

5. We then cut in to see him writing some of the title names which is sped up and then he also turns the pad of paper for the second title. The camera moves/tracks across the table to see other pieces of paper with title's on and magasines with the main female character's picture on and the camera then moves across to the male character.

6. There is then a close-up, side-on shot of the pad of paper which he flicks through and stops in the middle of to see a cut out of the model who we identify to have been on the front of the various magasines.

7. There is a point-of-view shot of the picture of the model which then dissolves into the female model's photo shoot, whilst upbeat music gradually gets louder. 

8. There are then jump cuts of different shots/poses of the model in her photo shoot whilst there are camera flashes. The shot freezes on the last pose of the model as the camera zooms out to see a polaroid photograph and a man's hand holding it. 

9. The camera is placed next to a reception table and it pans to see a man approach the table and deliberately drops the polaroid. 

10. Whilst the photo is being thrown down onto the reception table, the camera cuts to the main male characters setting where the same polaroid is continuing to fall as if it had been thrown down directly like the other setting. There is then the point-of-view shot of the polaroid and the man pulls a magasine towards him and opens it to read whilst he picks up his mug to drink.

11. There is a cut to a medium shot of him sitting at the table and he drinks from his mug as the audience finally see his face for the first time. Also as he drinks from the mug, the director's name is seen on the mug. 

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