Wednesday 9 February 2011

Cast Experiments

        After deciding upon our casting, we had to experiment with make-up to create a model look which also looks quite natural so she can relate to the audience. 
We did some experiments with different types of make up and so we added eye-shadow and eye liner to extenuate the eyes to convey her femininity and looks as she is a confident model. 
We then experimented with lipsticks to see which represented the model best as to not look too unnatural yet still to show her as a model. 

We found that the lighter shades looked best on our actress as the dark colours looked too much whereas the lighter pink created a a prettier look. 

Therefore with the actress we also styled her hair in soft curls to create a nature yet photogenic look. We feel that the model cannot be too dressed up and formal as we still need this character to be able to relate to the audience however it also helps that the actress is in the 15-24 age group. 

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